Monday, December 10, 2007

Mr. & Mrs. Rangroo

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Interview : DVD Ripper axXo

Interview: aXXo, The Most Popular DVD Ripper on BitTorrent
Written by Ernesto on March 11, 2007
In real life, aXXo is probably just an average person, but on the Internet he’s a celebrity, with over a million people downloading his DVDrips every month. The search term “aXXo” is among the top searches on every torrent site, and even anti-piracy organizations use his name to trap people into downloading fake torrents. We had the chance to ask him a few questions, and find out a little more about him.

For those of you who never heard of aXXo, he is responsible for hundreds of DVDrips that find their way to millions of PCs around the world. Most of the rips are 700MB, made to fit on a single CD. Some have criticized his preference for single CD rips because of the inferior video quality, but most pirates agree that he does a great job.

Earlier this year aXXo temporarily stopped uploading movies because was trying to profit from his name. After a few weeks that site went down, and aXXo continued releasing DVDrips.

Most of the time it is impossible to track down the source of DVDrips, especially with people from “the scene“. But aXXo is not a member of the scene, and although was not very talkative either, he was at least willing to answer a few questions.

TorrentFreak: When did you start ripping / uploading DVDrips?

aXXo: When I was about 15 or 16 I got into backing up my old DVD’s. History from there.

TorrentFreak: What motivates you to share these movies?

aXXo: Why not? If I see a great film I believe everyone has the right to be entertained by it.

TorrentFreak: Don’t you think that ripping and uploading these (copyrighted) movies is wrong?

aXXo: No not really. It was just for me and some mates at first.

TorrentFreak: Are you alone in this, Or do you get help from others?

aXXo: No help, It’s all me.

TorrentFreak: You seem to prefer 700MB rips, and not higher quality ones, why is this?

aXXo: Very little (if any) Loss of quality, and will fit on a Single Music CD.

TorrentFreak: On which torrent sites do you release this movies, and why not just on one?

aXXo: There are quite a few I release to. Many people prefer one site over the rest, and I want to spread these as much as possible.

TorrentFreak: What do you think of sites that (mis)use your name, like

aXXo: This is a touchy subject. I have nothing against any of them, it was a complete misunderstanding and the issue has been cleared up. They are reliable, And I have checked every torrent on there thus far to be real.

TorrentFreak: How can people tell if the torrent is not a scam, or a fake torrent?

aXXo: If it’s a RAR archive, It’s not mine. My rips will contain 2 or 3 files. One info and one .avi files. On occasion a .txt file but that will stop.

TorrentFreak: Where do you get the movies, and do you use scene releases as well?

aXXo: …

TorrentFreak: Do you think that distributing these (copyrighted) movies is morally wrong? That is, do you consider sharing shows to be the same as stealing?

aXXo: Thank god in this country we don’t believe in copyright infringement. It’s just sharing entertainment, nothing more.

TorrentFreak: Okay, perhaps this one is easier to answer. What is your favorite BitTorrent site?

aXXo: I don’t have one. is where my original releases are, But I release to many. Superfundo, Demonoid, MiniNova, The Pirate Bay.

TorrentFreak: Anything you want to add to this?

aXXo: Upload what you’ve downloaded, and then some.

TorrentFreak: Thanks!

aXXo: You’re welcome.

Sunday, October 07, 2007

Koxie : Gare aux Cons


Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Six Sixes!

Monday, September 17, 2007


This plugin requires Adobe Flash 9.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Allez aux champignons!


Koxie : Garçon

Sing Along

Tout à l'heure,
J'roulais sur mon scooter dans Paris,
D'une voiture, au feu rouge, un mec me dit:
"Hé Madame, il est quelle heure ?"
J'lui réponds: "Midi."
Il m'dit: "Madame qu'est ce que t'es bonne ! Tu veux pas m'faire une gâterie ?"
Ses potes rigolent. Sur le moment j'ai pas compris.
J'réponds: "Mon grand, c'est pas comme ça qu'on parle aux gens. Tu n'aimerais pas qu'on parle comme ça à ta maman.
Le mec me regarde. Avec une tête de chien d'garde il m'fait: "Vas y parle pas d'ma mère ou j'te défonce !"
J'lui réponds: "Du calme Alphonse. J'te connais pas, tu m'agresses ! C'est quoi ce manque de délicatesse ? On t'a pas dit de traiter les femmes comme des princesses ?"
Il m'dit: "Ouais mais toi j'te baise !"
J'lui dis: "Ben non justement, c'est bien ça l'malaise !"

.:: Refrain ::.
Tu sais que garçon, si t'enlèves la cédille ça fait garcon et gare aux cons ma fille, gare aux cons.
Gare aux cons, gare aux cons qui perdent leur cédille.
Garçon si t'enlèves la cédille ça fait garcon et gare aux cons ma fille, gare aux cons.
Gare aux cons, gare aux cons qui perdent leur cédille.

.:: 2nd couplet ::.
J'continue mon chemin. Au feu suivant, j'entends: "Hé grosse cochonne quand tu veux j'te prends !"
C'est encore Alphonse avec sa tête de gland.
J'lui dis: "Là tu t'enfonces, c'est indescent !
J'y crois pas mec, redescend d'ta planète !
Tu te prends pour Tony Montana, t'as même pas d'poils sur la quéquette..."
Il m'dit: "Vas-y sois pas fulgaire ! T'vas voir où j'vais t'la mettre."
"Tu dis qu'c'est moi qui suis vulgaire ? Non mais là c'est la fête ! Je rêve. Pour qui tu te prends ? Maintenant tu t'arrêtes."
Je descends, il descend.
J'dis: "C'est l'bordel dans ta tête ! Qu'est-ce que tu comptes faire ? Là t'es en galère.
J'veux des excuses, j'attends et j'lacherai pas l'affaire."
Il me dit: "Non toi tu t'excuses, espèce de vieille sorcière."
"C'est la meilleure, je t'ai donné l'heure, j'aurais mieux fait d'me taire !"

.:: Refrain ::.
Tu sais que garçon, si t'enlèves la cédille ça fait garcon et gare aux cons ma fille, gare aux cons.
Gare aux cons, gare aux cons qui perdent leur cédille.
Garçon si t'enlèves la cédille ça fait garcon et gare aux cons ma fille, gare aux cons.
Gare aux cons, gare aux cons qui perdent leur cédille.

.:: 3ème couplet ::.
Voilà comment parle certains garçons. Quelle honte! Ils mériteraient une bonne leçon.
Tu veux jouer ? On va jouer !
J'lui dis: "Baisse ton caleçon ! Tu parles beaucoup, ça manque d'action. Tu m'as demandé une fellation."
Tout à coup Alphonse a une révélation.
Il renonce et me dit: "Ouais vas-y c'est bon. Lache moi. Pardon !"
J'lui dis: "C'est bien. Là t'as l'air moins con !"
C'est pas normal d'avoir besoin d'parler aux femmes de cette façon.
Y'a un sérieux problème d'éducation !

"Pourtant, je suis sûr que t'as un bon fond."
Il m'dit: "T'as raison ! J'me sens tout bidon. C'est mes potes qui m'poussent, j'ai la pression !"
J'lui dis: "C'est bon pleure pas, il manquait plus que ça."
Alphonse qui fond en larme dans mes bras.
J'lui dis: "Toi t'as besoin d'amour ça s'voit. Allez viens là. Fais un bisous à tata."

.:: Refrain ::.
Tu sais que garçon, si t'enlèves la cédille ça fait garcon et gare aux cons ma fille, gare aux cons.
Gare aux cons, gare aux cons qui perdent leur cédille.
Garçon si t'enlèves la cédille ça fait garcon et gare aux cons ma fille, gare aux cons.
Gare aux cons, gare aux cons qui perdent leur cédille.

Friday, June 08, 2007

Pursuit of Happyness

It was right then that I started thinking about Thomas Jefferson on the Declaration of Independence and the part about our right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. And I remember thinking how did he know to put the pursuit part in there? That maybe happiness is something that we can only pursue and maybe we can actually never have it. No matter what. How did he know that?

~ Will Smith as Christopher Gardner in The Pursuit of Happyness

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Chapel of Love

I don't know why ... but I can't stop humming this song all the time these days.

Spring is here, the sky is blue
Birds will sing as if they knew
Today's the day, we'll say "I do"
And we'll never be lonely any more

Because we're going to the chapel
And we're gonna to get married
Going to the chapel
And we're gonna get married
Gee I really love you
And we're gonna get married
Going to the chapel of love

Bells will ring, the sun will shine
I will be hers, and she'll be mine
We'll love until the end of time
And we'll never be lonely any more

Thursday, February 08, 2007

McLeod Ganj

Monday, January 29, 2007
